Translations for units needed (for unit upgrade) -- Dutch, perhaps others?

As some of you know, Lentschi and I have been working on a big upgrade regarding article unit handling in Foodsoft: Among other things, we want to introduce predefined units from the UN/ECE standard.
For further details about the project, see the matrix room (posting from June 2023).

The UN/ECE standard only provides English unit names and symbols, no translations. That’s why we need contributions from native speakers of other languages:

  • :white_check_mark: German – done
  • :exclamation: Dutch – needed for sure
  • :question: French – does anyone know if there’s a French user community?
  • :question: Spanish – does anyone know if there’s a Spanish user community?
  • :question: Turkish – does anyone know if there’s a Turkish user community?

Dutch locales

We would need these spreadsheets to be filled out:

  • Scalar units.xlsx (38,5 KB)
    • We’ve made a selection of 117 scalar units which we could imagine being useful in the broadest sence. Other units from UN/ECE can still be activated by request, but we won’t add any translations for them (unless someone provides them).
    • Please either replace or clear all yellow marked cells in the nl subtable.
    • Short names and symbols are important. We’re not sure if we’ll use alternative symbols yet, so don’t put too much effort in those. Same for full name and description – these will only appear in a menu where you can manage the activated units.
  • Piece units.xlsx (41,4 KB)
    • This is the full unit list from UN/ECE Annexes V + VI (coded representations of package type names used in international trade). We’ve made a selection of units which we find useful and would activate by default. These are marked with 1 in the first column, so they are most important. You can filter by this selection. (For German, I’ve translated the full list, but concentrated on good translations for the selected units.)
    • We aren’t sure if we’ll include abbreviations in the first implementation. Don’t put too much work in here.
    • I’ve copied the German names to MS Word, used Word’s feature to translate the whole document to Dutch, then copied it back into the spreadsheet. This worked best for me when translating English to German. Of course you have to go through manually afterwards. Perhaps you know a better AI solution. (I could do this for scalar units as well in case you don’t have MS Word).

@decentral1se Could you do this or forward it to other members of the Dutch community?


I think it’s great of the Dutch community could give this input (it’s something also non-developers can do), but if that takes a long time and you need to get forward, feel free to ping me and I can have a look.

The users list on the wiki does show a French group, you might try contacting them.
For other languages, perhaps looking who contributed the locale files and/or on edited a language on crowdin.

@Vanya You use the metric system in New Zealand, right? Still you might want to check if the unit lists are suitable for you.

heyyyy, this is still on my radar as I try to build the systems workgroup in the local food coop to pick it up :person_cartwheeling: hopefully some news in this regard Coming Soon ™

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