
Dear Foodsoft community,

I’d like to give an update of Foodsoft development and my involvement in that.

In the last 1.5 years I’ve spent a lot of time to improve Foodsoft, with the aim of bringing a common platform for foodcoops forward, and apply that in The Netherlands. With some success, I would say: a number of foodcoops got off the ground with the help of Foodsoft, and some others migrated. To offer more than just open-source software, the non-profit FoodCoopNL was founded, giving a legal basis for offering Foodsoft hosting and online payments. In that context, we also experimented with large changes to some components, like the ordering interface (see here), a new distribution workflow, and multiple pickup locations. These are integrated in the foodcoop-adam fork, which is used by many Dutch foodcoops we were involved with.

About half a year ago, I realised that I wanted to spend more time on other things than foodcoops, and stepped down from being involved in FoodCoopNL. For now, I’m still present to keep the software running, but won’t take on new projects.
What does that mean for the community?

  • I have less time for Foodsoft development
  • I’d like to focus on supporting the Foodsoft community
  • From now on, please contact cor-jan@foodcoop.nl for FoodCoopNL-related matters (he’s also on the mailing-lists)
  • My focus shifts from the foodcoop-adam fork to the main Foodsoft version (at foodcoops/foodsoft),
  • which also means that I’d like to integrate foodcoop-adam changes back into the main version. That’ll take a while, though.

You may have noticed this already, now you know why :slight_smile:

Best regards,

  • Willem