Upcoming Foodsoft 4.4.0 release

Hello everyone,

It’s becoming time for a new Foodsoft release. There have been quite some changes, a big one being an overhaul of the article upload function, and quite some useful additions by new contributor paroga (with more pending).

So, I’d like to ask some help to

  • finish translations (German and French need some help) - localeapp | test instance

  • do some testing, especially:

    article upload (including xls/ods and the various upload options) expansion variables (wiki + footer, see wiki edit help) editing recurring task groups (thanks to robwa)

And if you have some other minutes left, please feel free to look at the open pull requests and leave your comments. We could use some input or an encouraging word, here and there.

The release is planned for 15th of May.
Looking forward to another step of improvements!


  • Willem

Hi Willem,

good to hear the next release is on the way. I like the new article upload and had a quick test with it … not going into every detail.
The German translation is finished.

Best regards,