Proposal for a new Logo

I’m not familar with the history of the current Foodsoft logo (the red and white one) and I’m not sure how important the logo is for you. It seems that the logo is hardly ever used.

We are in the process of creating a new website for the global hosting. Three proposals for a new logo were also developed in the process. We want to share these logos and ask you for some feedback.

  • Which logo do you loke most?
  • What ideas do you have to improve them?
  • What is missing to be a unique logo for the Foodsoft?

We are open for the idea to publish the final logo under an open license. Maybe it ca be the successor of the old logo.

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3

Ah, nice! I think the original logo was pragmatic :slight_smile:
I like Logo 3 best, but the font feels just a bit chaotic. Logo 2 is better in that respect, but it is a little bit boring to me (though it could be the whitespace too?)

This probably also means that we need a new color palette for the UI.

I agree the logo could be improved!


  • Font: I’d prefer a less playful font than in your proposals (but more than in the current logo). The multiple fs and os should be in slightly different variations.

  • Colors: I tend to the second one

  • The borders shouldn’t waste too much space (I prefer the first one in this regard, since it would be better readable when displayed small.)

  • The distinctive aspect of Foodsoft is not the food, but the coops (collective order) aspect. Since there’s already food in the name, replacing the carrot icon with a people group icon could underline the coops aspect.

  • Btw there’s another FoodSoft: Just to keep in mind the logo should clearly differ from their’s.

  • Currently, there’s a foodcoops and a foodsoft logo. Will there only be a foodsoft logo or still both versions?

  • Perhaps you could also make a version with a subtitle like “software for food coops”, for large display only

  • We would also need an easily recognizable icon version. Maybe just fs in their respective color and font?

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I agree in most all topics with @twothreenine. I suggest the colors of 2 with the size of 1.

Many thanks for your Feedback. I will send it to our designer and ask her to take them into account.