password reset

When users forget their password, /f/login/forgot_password loads, and the form submits. The email is received, and the link in the email leads to a reset form, but submitting the reset form leads to a page saying:

Seite/Datei nicht gefunden!

Das ist wohl eine Sackgasse und sollte eigentlich nicht vorkommen.

Bitte melden unter foodsoft [ätt]

looking in the production log I see these lines.

F, [2014-12-17T11:10:35.883852 #12133] FATAL – :
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [PATCH] “/f/login/update_password”):

and indeed I can find no reference to “update_password” in any file except the log.

Hi Angelo,

This is a known problem in Foodsoft v4.1.0, but was fixed in v4.2.0.
It sounds you’re not running the latest version?

If you don’t want to upgrade just yet, change put to patch on the update_password line in config/routes.rb.


  • Willem

Thanks Willem. That worked. I’ll keep an eye on known issues from now on.

We have been using the system for a month or so.

It is working out nicely, but of course, there is a little confusion because we are coming from a very different way of doing things, and cooperative ventures are pretty foreign out here to begin with.

  1. Some people are freaked out by the euro symbols. I changed them to usd symbols in overrides.yml, but they still pop up in the ordering interface when the amounts are changed.
  2. Developer credit. The references to Foodsoft make some people think we have signed up for a service. They don’t know what self-hosted or open source means. They assume that some due or fee to Foodsoft must be included in the price, or that they will be charged for it later. There are also concerns that some other entity has access to their information. Until we can have a general meeting where I explain everything, I have removed many of the references. I hope this is okay. I have explained that the system has been provided by developers from other cooperatives. What are the names of your cooperatives, and can I use your name, and the names of others in particular? I think that would be more clear.
    3)What does the deposit field do?
  3. Is the a way to group-message only the people who have participated in the current order?
    1)The upper character limit on imported database fields is rather low. The title and note could use some length.
  4. Is it intentional that users cannot by default see what other people have ordered? It would be nice if everyone could see /f/orders/9, although I would not want to give everyone permission to edit orders by default.
  5. It might also be nice to be able enforce a basic tolerance (of say one or two units).

Hi Angelo,

Good to hear the password reset works again. And to hear that you’re using it in practice :slight_smile:

See below for answers to your points.

Thanks Willem. That worked. I’ll keep an eye on known issues from now on.

We have been using the system for a month or so.

It is working out nicely, but of course, there is a little confusion because we are coming from a very different way of doing things, and cooperative ventures are pretty foreign out here to begin with.

  1. Some people are freaked out by the euro symbols. I changed them to usd symbols in overrides.yml, but they still pop up in the ordering interface when the amounts are changed.

Foodsoft 4.2 supports setting the currency (symbol) in the configuration screen.

  1. Developer credit. The references to Foodsoft make some people think we have signed up for a service. They don’t know what self-hosted or open source means. They assume that some due or fee to Foodsoft must be included in the price, or that they will be charged for it later. There are also concerns that some other entity has access to their information. Until we can have a general meeting where I explain everything, I have removed many of the references. I hope this is okay. I have explained that the system has been provided by developers from other cooperatives. What are the names of your cooperatives, and can I use your name, and the names of others in particular? I think that would be more clear.

Ah, I can understand that some people may be confused. Perhaps the foodcoop-experience can also be an introduction for some people to the idea of sharing and open source. Nice!
Perhaps we could make the Foodsoft link a page that explains Foodsoft and open source to a wider audience?
If you want to completely remove the link, that’s fine too - of course (which I couldn’t forbid anyway with the license, if I were to be so inclined :slight_smile: ).

3)What does the deposit field do?

This is included in the price, and part of some calculations (accounting).

  1. Is the a way to group-message only the people who have participated in the current order?

Nope. Would be useful. Feel free to open an issue on Github (if there isn’t one already).

1)The upper character limit on imported database fields is rather low. The title and note could use some length.

I agree that the note length could be increased. Are you running towards a limit there?
The name limit might actually be introduced to make the screen width managable (can anyone confirm that?). What would you like to see as a limit?

  1. Is it intentional that users cannot by default see what other people have ordered? It would be nice if everyone could see /f/orders/9, although I would not want to give everyone permission to edit orders by default.

Hmmm, I guess we could make the permissions more fine-grained, with separate view and edit permissions for each screen. At this moment, that’s not present, and would be some work to integrate. Unless someone steps up to take this on, I don’t think this will happen anytime soon.
What is the motivation behind this? Perhaps there are others ways to meet the same need.

  1. It might also be nice to be able enforce a basic tolerance (of say one or two units).

Good idea that keeps popping up now and then. Mind making an issue for it? What about setting a default tolerance that is, say, the square root of the quantity rounded to the lowest whole number (with a maximum of the unit quantity, perhaps). Then people could still make it zero if they really want to, but have a default that would help filling the orders.


  • Willem

Perhaps we could make the Foodsoft link a page that explains Foodsoft and open source to a wider audience?

That would definitely help.

(the deposit) is included in the price, and part of some calculations (accounting).

I am just wondering what purpose it serves. Is it so that items that require extra labor or storage can be assigned a higher charge?

What is the motivation behind (being able to see what other members have ordered)? Perhaps there are others ways to meet the same need.

No I don’t think it’s a need, or even a want. Don’t make the permissions more fine grained. I love the simplicity. Privacy is also good, and will be more important as we grow.
The idea just comes from the way we are used to doing it. Being a small group, it allowed buyers to coalesce themselves around items so that larger quantities could be bought. People also would plan to pickup each other’s goods if they lived close to one another. These are important issues in our city where distances are so large, traffic is bad and transit is so lacking.

The name limit might actually be introduced to make the screen width managable (can anyone confirm that?). What would you like to see as a limit?

"Kombucha Wonder Drink Kombucha, Essence of Juniper Berry, Spearmint & Lemon, Myrtle, Organic - 3 x 14 ozs.

So 110 characters would be good. I mean, on the one hand, the less parsing I have to do when I’m importing, the better. On the other hand, perhaps this limit gives us incentive to better curate, and neaten the interface. This seems related to another discussion I saw you having about the brand being in the product name. Personally, I think products are products, and brands are brands.

Good idea that keeps popping up now and then. Mind making an issue for it? What about setting a default tolerance that is, say, the square root of the quantity rounded to the lowest whole number (with a maximum of the unit quantity, perhaps). Then people could still make it zero if they really want to, but have a default that would help filling the orders.

Well, it should definitely be on a per product basis.

Finally, there is a function I would kill for. That is, the ability of the system to automatically scale up the package size to the next one up based on demand. For example, people are ordering units from a 5-unit package of grain, and finally there are 25 units ordered. As it is, Foodsoft will generate an order fax asking the supplier for five 5-unit packages. In our case it would be better if instead a 25-unit package were ordered.