Since 01/01 the collective rokoli provides hosting for the Foodsoft. This is the successor of the former donation based global hosting.
Since August I sent many mails to all foodcoops who have used the global hosting communicating the change of the hosting and trying to find solutions for a smooth transition to the rokoli hosting.
About half of the foodcoops continue the hosting with rokoli. Some foodcoops found individual solutions and other didn’t answer at all.
Rokoli have the following proposal how to handle shared resources:
- Sense.Lab e.V. remains the owner of the domain It’s still registered with Sharing with other accouts is possible (send me a PM if you want access to this domain).
- There will be a relaunch of the website with updated information about the Foodsoft itsealf and the different hosting offers. I will send you a draft for discussion as soon as it is ready.
- Rokoli will use as a subdomain for the hosting.
- Sense.Lab e.V. will continue to host and maintain this Discourse forum.
- Rokoli will continue to host a demo version of the Foodsoft (latest stable release) at
- Because the old global hosting doesn’t exists anymore I will close and delete this forum’s Global Hosting Operations category until the end of January.
Rokoli looks forward to collaborate with the Foodsoft community. If possible we want to fund bugfixes and feature developement.