How to set up a shared supplier / shared list?

Hi all,

could somebody tell me how to set up a shared supplier / shared list? What things need to be done?

I searched in the forum / code / issues /wiki, but wasn’t able to found useful ideas how to set this up. After the creation of an empty database for the shared lists/supplier and configuration of the connection in app_config.yml I get the following error when I choose: Supplier > “Import supplier from external database”:

An ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid occurred in suppliers#shared_suppliers:

Mysql2::Error: Table ‘foodsoft_shared.suppliers’ doesn’t exist: SELECT suppliers.* FROM suppliers WHERE = ‘all’ LIMIT 1
app/controllers/suppliers_controller.rb:64:in `shared_suppliers’

I didn’t found a task / seed to set up the required tables.

Best Regards,

could somebody tell me how to set up a shared supplier / shared list?
What things need to be done?

Hey Marc, long story short. Have a look at

This is another rails app, which actually manages the imports etc. The
foodsoft itself gets readonly acces to shareslists database. This is
what you have to configure in the app_config.yml.
