foodcoops organization

I would like to start a discussion about the role of the foodcoops organization.
The reason is wvengen’s comment. He is totally right and it bugs me too, that the foodcoops/foodsoft repo is not a fork of bennibu/foodsoft. But on the other hand i think that a fork is not what we do at foodcoops/foodsoft unless the new stuff dosen’t go into upstream (bennibu/foodsoft).
I don’t know how much time bennibu can invest into the foodsoft project. I would like to read some thoughts from him. In my mind it would be ideal to move the bennibu/foodsoft into the foodcoops repos that we can work on the upstream together.

any opinions?

Hi Manuel,

Thanks for the mail. I’d like to ask Mathijs on his opinion, he is
currently on holiday.
I’ve also mailed bennibu (and invited him to join the list(s)) about the
github organisation. My hope is that he would want to move his
repository - then also all forks will point to foodcoops/foodsoft (I
asked Github support about that).

For now, let’s move on as it is now. It may be some work to move the
issues though - though this may help
One thing I’m worried about is that now not everyone contributing to
bennibu/foodsoft is aware of foodcoops/foodsoft (see issues). I haven’t
found a way to message them in Github.


  • Willem

Hey, sorry that I am joining your discussions so late.

I am happy to move the repository to the new foodcoops organization. I can do it on sunday. I guess, you have to delete the existing repository in foodcoops account, do you?

Should I merge the rails3 branch into master before I move the repository or should I leave it untouched?


p.s. I also tried to join this group here, but I don’t get any confirmation mail. I’ll try it later.

hey benni,

i’m happy you are on board.

you don’t have to merge rails-3 into master.
i renamed foodsoft to foodsoft-tmp. after you moved the repository to the foodcoops organization i’ll merge in the changes from foodsoft-tmp and delete the old repo (after moving all the issues :wink:


hey all,

I just moved my foodsoft repository to the new foodcoops organziation. Everything worked as expected, the issues, pull requests and forks kept alive.

As I am not aware of the your discussions the last month. What are the next steps? Should we define some milestones, and reorganize the messy issue list?



What we did last month is basically:

I’ll do the merges from the foodsoft-tmp into the foodsoft repo tonight or tomorrow.
Then we have to move the wiki and issues from wvengen and foodsoft-tmp.
I think it’s a good idea if we focus on working with pull requests after the cleanup.


Hey all,

feels good to have everything under one hat.

If i didn’t missed anything we should be on one page with
I copied most of the wiki pages, not sure if i got them all.
Now only the issues have to be moved and we are done with it.

Next thing might be to talk about the branches. We should delete old and unused branches.

Have a great week.

Hi everyone,

This is great!
I can see as next steps:

  • Check wiki is complete (from foodsoft-tmp and wvengen) - done
  • Move issues from foodsoft-tmp and wvengen
  • Cleanup branches
  • Move foodcoop-adam-specific wiki content to separate pages [wvengen]
  • Discuss how to use branches and pull requests, and document it
  • Discuss how to handle foodcoop-specific changes. Currently:
    o foodcoop-adam has branch and wiki pages in main foodsoft repo.
    This is confusing, e.g. also foodcoop-adam-specific bugs are
    sometimes reported.
    o foodcoop-rostock (formerly balkansalat) has its own organisation
    + repo
    o another option would be that each foodcoop gets its own
    repository in the foodcoops organisation
    o create a wiki list of places where foodsoft is used (I’m curious
    what other users of foodsoft are there!)
  • Cleanup tickets & milestones
  • How do we manage multiple languages in the wiki? We could add a
    language prefix/suffix (for non-english) to page names, or use
    english only and host help pages somewhere else (e.g. as default
    wiki pages in foodsoft). (I’m thinking of “Doku”, “Quickstart” and
    “Äpfel u. Birnen”)


  • Willem

p.s. I had intended foodsoft-discuss for non-technical discussions where
all foodcoops can share ideas and discuss how things are going in their
foodcoop and foodsoft. This would be more suitable for foodsoft-dev, in
my view. Do you agree? I so, I think we can move the thread easily.

p.p.s. bennibu, you can create an account at and then subscribe to each relevant
forum. Then you can be added to the mailing-list admins.