email problems


we also had these problems with email delivery. Now it seems to work again.

Anyway, seemingly now i am getting the emails that I have written to all members.
With the current version Foodsoft v4.6.0 (radieschen n.e.V), I can see in the admin area, if there are problems with sent emails. but there are more than 50 error messages of sent mails to all members.
The following errors occurred:

Does that mean that these mails have not been delivered? What can I do?

Best regards
Mechthild (from Radieschen)

Beste Foodsoft gebruikers,

Sinds enige tijd werkt het verzenden van emails niet meer. Dat is nu
Als gevolg hiervan zijn er heel wat emails verzonden die eerder tussen
wal en schil beland waren. Deze oude emails kunnen genegeerd worden.
Excuses voor de verwarring die dit mogelijk veroorzaakt.

Met vriendelijke groet,

  • Willem

Thanks, this is helpful!
Right now Foodsoft talks directly to the mail server (at, but that considers us having too many connections. I think having an MTA (like Postfix) in between would solve this (something we already want for incoming mail) -

  • Willem

Thanks for solving the problem.